Friday, March 29, 2013

Interview questions with 7Texas

1. When do use REST?
2. REST security
3. Difference between ananymous v stored procedure.
4. Student vs Teacher database, how many tables, write the hibernate mapping
5. left join vs join
6. What is Inversion control?
7. How many dependency injections are available?
8. How do you get the springcontext in struts in Action?
9. How do you include js in JSP?
10. JQuery onload syntax
11. JVM on outofmemory, will it call the garbage collector?
12. Difference between JDK vs JRE
13. Write one web service client
14. static vs singleton
15. What is the functionality of Webserver redirect?
1. What is the Spring flow
2. What is hashing?
3. Why is hashing
4. Disadvantages of Topic
5. Topic vs Queue
6. Difference between map vs set

7. Webserver request comes to where?

8. Where do you have your context setup?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Interview with Chicago webservice

1. Contract first vs Contract last
2. Types of Statements in JDBC
3. How to make ajax calls
4. StringBuilder vs StringBuffer
5. JMS Message types
6. List Iterator
7. Hashtable vs HashMap
9. WSDL UDDI post
10. What is JMS & RPC
11. What are the collections you have used.
12. JVM Interpretor vs compiler

Inter with NC

1. B a = new class A(); 
2. Oops concepts
3. Spring standalone application
4. Spring uses which design patterns
5. Constructor is private and can we extends the class.

Interview with NJ client

1. Why dependency injection?
2. Design Bank, Branch, Customer, Manager, Teller
3. What are the projects implemented from scratch

Monday, March 25, 2013

Interview with Pune

1. Spring why?
2. Spring Hibernate configuration
3. Spring Hibernate without hibernate setup
4. Linked List
5. Deck of cards
6.Spring Webservices
7. Why REST?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Interview with JPMC

1. static vs singleton
2. Difference between a view and stored proc
3. purpose of triggers
4. database sequence
5. Junit
6. treemap and hashmap
7. Handling exceptions in String
8. Handling logging
9. Hibernate vs iBatis
10. Spring modules used

12. RMI vs EJB
13. Communication between portal
14. Maritz specific coding you have done

Northern Trust Company . 282315

I have worked on this not in recent project, oppurtinity this, I will
I have worked on some of modules.. will work on the other if the given choice.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Interview with LA client1

1. Day to Day activity
2. Life cycle of framework
3. Design patterns
4. Mutable and immutable
7. GET vs POST
8. EAR vs WAR
9. Cross Site Scriptin
10. advantage of Hibernate over  JDBC
11. Hybernate vs iBatis
12. Bean factory
13. Normalizations
14. Connection from front end to database (Connection step by step)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Interview with WBS

1. Why we need to use webservices instead of normal html
2. Architecture of WAF
3. Joins - inner join returns 4 rows on table A, table B and what does the full join returns
4. Maven
5. Spring lifecyle
6. JMS - why we need?
7. Transaction handling in Spring
8.  5 methods in transactions
9. SQL performance tuning
10. EAR vs WAR
Spring, Hibernate, Maven, Web services.

NAM interview questions

1. Architecture of Maritz
2. Webserver configurations
3. JBoss Server configuration 
4. WAS Clustered environment
5.  JSF
6. Core Java
7. Applets , signed applet

8. Company Name, year, Revenew. Check the % with previous row
9. Special character insert with 10
10. iBatis

Monday, March 11, 2013

Interview with Virginia client

Webservice security
Webservices stub vs skeletion
Webservices SOAP vs REST? Why SOAP? When to choose REST?

Hibernate Vehicle, Car, Bike
Spring with Hibernate
Spring transactions

Classloader, Tomcat vs JBoss


1. Inhertance example
2. Interface
3. Compile time vs Runtime
4. Hashtable
5. HashMap
6. HashSet
7. Thread1, Thread2
8. Try {
 } catch (Exception e){
} finaly{
} if I throw exception can the catch get the exception
10. GC - two objects depend on each other, can the GC collects?
11. Filestreat vs buffer reader
12. Hibernate cache, database concepts
13. SOA design principle
14. SOAP how you expose method