Friday, November 29, 2013

Camera tips

1. Lock the exposure
    Menu > Custom Setting Menu > Controls >  Assign AE -L > AE Lock(Hold)

2. Select color
    Turn the dial to Effects > selective color > select the up button
   (dont like then delete) You can select up to 3 colors.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Photoshop: Depth of Field Fix

Photoshop: Depth of Field Fix

1. Filter > Blur > Gausiaan blur
     Radius : 10
2. Add layer mask
3. Make the foreground color black
4. Alt click to see the selection
5. Select the area & brush the black in
6. Midtone as gray and draw some gray.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Phtoshop: Darker shadows and higher contrast

Phtoshop: Darker shadows and higher contrast
1. Duplicate layer
2. Image > adjustment > Curves
3. Make the slight s curve
4. Create adjustment layer (brightness & contrast)
5. you can adjust the opacity
6. Burn tool vs Dodgt tool

Phtoshop: Buildings Lens correction

Phtoshop: Buildings Lens correction
1. Filter > Distor > Lense correction
2. Vertical perspective change

Phtoshop: Photo merge

Phtoshop: Photo merge

1. File > Automate > Photo merge
  Auto and open all the images

Photoshop: Composite Landscape Technique

Phtoshop: Composite Landscape photos
1. Copy the other image and past on to the first one
2. Change the opacity and make both photos the same level and location
3. Add layer mask at the bottom to layer pallete
4. select the soft edge brush and paint
5. Use the Select tool and select the edgets
6. If you bring too much you can go back, if you put the white on top.


Phtoshop: Change the sky to more Blue

Phtoshop: Change the sky to Blue
1. Duplicate layer
2. Multiply the new layer
3. Add layer mask ( click o on right below - layer pannel)
4. Change background if needed

Other way
5. Layers pallet > Hue saturation
6. Bring the Hues high, Saturation bit high

Photoshop - remove wrinkles, change eye color, add lip stick, add hair color

1. Duplicate layer
      Filter > Noise > Dust and scratches
      Radius 6
     Threshold 0
1.a. Duplicate layer
2. Blur > Gaussian blur
        Radius 1
3.  Filter > Noise > Add noise
      amount 1
4. Layer > Layer Mask > Hide all
5. Soft paint french
5.b. Merge layer

Change eye color
6. Layer > New layer
7. Get the circle tool & color as blue
8. Use the eraser
9. Change the opacity to match yours
9.b Merge layer

Add Lip Stick

10. Layer > New layer
11. select the red color  & paint brush
12. Change layer looks gud and opacity.
